Monday, 30 July 2012

it is so easy to  rub  out a persons life. memory ,it teaks a split of second , and generations to rub out the pain and fill in the emptiness left behind

Sunday, 29 July 2012

remmbering not fergeting and mor

its a human need to remember candles and ink Ar both things that flow White heat and heave an energy of themselves

to remember to remained or to remain?Teddi's Doll's candles and balloons

this is My grandma see was a Holocaust severer see past away a yer ago and i miss her Sam  taims i wonder Wat Wood heave hepend  if see hasn't survivor wood i by born? in the picketer below is my niche hos named after my grandma in this beautifully picketer see  reminds me of a doll ,precise and Innocent, i hed many cousins theta  heave never been born the grandest (grandmas brothers and sisters )did not survived the ges Cymbre's and i  feel thet big gep of unknown big emptiness full of  dost of their burnt bodies and a sens of responsibility fer the laif thet they did not get a  Chance ,fer the sin of being born Jewess

Thursday, 26 July 2012

you don't need to see the holl picther eyes give over  a story mer then anything Allys

deep  thinking  taim and hopefully they will materialise

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

the need to heve an identety and by identifaid

this picther is a light  test to identify the  ethnicity  of the doll meme is something very impotent .people want to belong to gropes families or Caleb's .yet in the seam taim we laik to by seen as individuals and feel insulted if  others  point out ar belonging to a group. this test is almost laik looking under there skin sam things we cant haid and Althea they ar not visible whit the naked aye their ar still their

Saturday, 21 July 2012


 as people heave an Oreg to by rumbaed and to remember  . no wan vents to be forgotten, the camerae is a parefool tool which copter's salient moments.
 the pain full memories Ar clear to0 by seen on their feces ,bat the Ar proudly dispelling the medals. her Meany people lost thee liefs fer therm to by honerd and fer Wat reason do we warship wear ?

Friday, 20 July 2012

bell erings

my grandma talks in her book abort Little Bell laik earrings which the Gestapo took off  her wen see arrived in the camps see thert see was laky they did not poll them out off her eres bat let her do theta  its amazing out off oll the troubles and difficulties little things like thet sim to metre its fain lain between filing laik an animal or a hymned Bing

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Work is on holt so it's thinking taim and rresherch taim !

Gas kiln

I've jast bin told theta the gas kiln is not being pot on till mid September ! I'm in total panic !!!

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Surfers and texture

Tell a story . It's a story told with no words jast by filing and looking, the Wer and , the fragility , the need to discover ,understand , telling as abut the past the history ,pain , hepinnes in salient

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Monday, 9 July 2012

Chava Rosenzweig: killn is on!!!

Chava Rosenzweig: killn is on!!!: test pieces in the kiln I'm feeling wary nerves  ,the  anticipation feeling of will it or will it not survive ??? its amazing ar fer cen a m...

killn is on!!!

test pieces in the kiln I'm feeling wary nerves  ,the  anticipation feeling of will it or will it not survive ??? its amazing ar fer cen a material by street's wear is the limit?Wat give a material its strengths ???a bit laik humans ar fer cen a  person be pushed to What makes one person  Moor resilient then  others?

Sunday, 8 July 2012

I'm not in productive mood !

And thets not good ! It's donating on me the seer responsible of this project and giving over the correct idea and filing .sam taims I jast feel lost in oll the process and Ferm time to time fear of letting myself and ethers down

Monday, 2 July 2012

 Decapitated and torn apart like childhood dreams broken in to peices stored in  draws. Forgoten memories like meaningless documents left ,not relevent and trapt behind  glass and covered in dust.

storage box?coffin?Lost hope and dreams buried child hood?

The look in there eyes is dead but the dolls still remind us that they are only childern forced to  grow up quickly.

Everything is gone but the dolls are left behind a silent witness to dreams and hopes which are shatered.