Thursday, 12 December 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Let you elders speak film auditing .

I must admit hede no idea the emernt of work thet goose in to a film Heve learnt a lot today . And I'm wery greet full to the BBC volunteers Fer oll the taim and effort they ar opting in to this!  

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

x rey and mor

x reyd and expose no room to hide
human dolls

spacial offer home Meade grained is this a joke???

and yet again an example of the human need to    write things on wells

Friday, 21 June 2013

the un and refugees

Human  dolls and refugees ,im wants again rising the question whats the purpose of the UN? In its curent format? documenting death? puting tents up when it is to late? what about provension? Rather than observation?