Sunday, 10 June 2012

Preparing for slip casting and fillings....

It feels strange cutting out the yellow star. All sorts of emotions come flooding in. It feels wrong. It fills me with anger, and I see in front of my me my grandma, sowing yellow stars on her clothing.Carefully ,neatly stitching. She was a fantastic seamstress. You could wear the clothes she made inside-out, and still see no difference.I see her In front of my eyes.A stubborn little Jewish girl stitching on the yellow Star with no words, just anger, held back-in behind tight-lips. I often wonder what would we have done? Would we agree to wear the yellow star or would we protests ? How painful must it have been,especially to the jews in Germany who felt more German then Jewish to be singled out .A holocaust survivor told me that for her, the most painful thing during the war, was, that her non Jewish friends were not allowed to play with her. "I was part of them, they were my best friends. The feeling of betrayal still hurts me today". What would I have done ? Would I obey? Flee the country ? Protest? ????

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